List of earthquakes in Pakistan

List of earthquakes in Pakistan
- ^ Quittmeyer, R. C. and Jacob, K. H.(1979) "Historical and modern seismicity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and southeastern Iran” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69: pp. 773–823, p.805, Appendix 3, citing Oldham, T. (1882) ‘”A catalogue of Indian earthquakes from the earliest time to the end of A.D. 1869″ Memoirs of Geological Survey of India 19: pp. 163-215
- ^ a b c Quittmeyer, R. C. and Jacob, K. H.(1979) "Historical and modern seismicity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and southeastern Iran” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69: pp. 773–823, p.805-806, Appendix 3, citing Oldham, T. (1882) ‘”A catalogue of Indian earthquakes from the earliest time to the end of A.D. 1869″ Memoirs of Geological Survey of India 19: pp. 163-215; and Milne, J. (1912) "Catalogue of destructive earthquakes” British Assoc. Adv. Sci. Report of the Portsmouth Meeting, 1911 Appendix I, pp. 649-740.
- ^ Oldham, R. (1926) "The Cutch (Kachh) earthquake of 16th June 1819 with a revision of the great earthquake of 12th June 1897” Memoirs of Geological Survey of India 46: pp. 1-77
- ^ Quittmeyer, R. C. and Jacob, K. H.(1979) "Historical and modern seismicity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and southeastern Iran” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69: pp. 773–823, p.807, Appendix 3, citing Oldham, T. (1882) ‘”A catalogue of Indian earthquakes from the earliest time to the end of A.D. 1869″ Memoirs of Geological Survey of India 19: pp. 163-215; and Ambraseys, N.; Lensen, G. and Moinfar, A. (1975) The Pattan earthquake of 28 December 1974 UNESCO, Paris (Serial No. FMR/SC/GEO/75/134), 41 pp.
- ^ Quittmeyer, R. C. and Jacob, K. H.(1979) "Historical and modern seismicity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and southeastern Iran” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69: pp. 773–823, p.807, Appendix 3, citing West, W. D. (1934) "The Baluchistan earthquakes of August 25th and 27th, 1931” Memoirs of Geological Survey of India 67: pp. 1-82; and West, W. D. (1935) "Preliminary geological report on the Baluchistan (Quetta) earthquake of May 31st, 1935” Records Geological Survey of India 69: pp. 203-240.
- ^ Quittmeyer, R. C. and Jacob, K. H.(1979) "Historical and modern seismicity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and southeastern Iran” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69: pp. 773–823, p.791
- ^ Lawrence , R. D.; Khan, S. Hasan and Nakata, T. (1992) "Chaman fault, Pakistan-Afghanistan” In Bucknam, R. C. and Hancock, P. L. (eds.) (1992) Major active faults of the world—Results of IGCP project 206 Annales Tectonicae 6(supplement): pp. 196–223
- ^ a b c Quittmeyer, R. C. and Jacob, K. H. (1979) "Historical and modern seismicity of Pakistan, Afghanistan, northwestern India, and southeastern Iran” Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 69: pp. 773–823, p.792
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