Pakistan Dialing Area Codes
Pakistan Country Code, Dialing Code Area, Code City Code Calling Code
Reference : eCall
Telephone numbers in PakistanCountry code: +92 Fixed (landline) numbersArea codes in Pakistan are from two to five digits long; the smaller the city, the longer the prefix. All the large cities have a two-digit code. Older exchanges have a 4, 5 or 6 digit number. Newer exchanges, those in the cities, have seven digit numbers. On July 1, 2009, telephone numbers in Karachi and Lahore were changed from 7 digits to 8 digits. This was accomplished by adding the digit "9” to the beginning of any phone number that started with a "9”, and adding the digit "3” to any phone numbers that did not start with the number "9”.[1] It is common to write phone numbers as (0xx) yyy-yyyy, where xx is the area code. The 0 prefix is for long-distance dialing from within the country. International callers should dial +92 xx yyyyyyy. All mobile phone codes are three digits long and start with 3xx. All mobile numbers are seven digits long. Area codes for common cities are:
Premium Rate services:
Toll free numbers (For callers within Pakistan):
Mobile telephone numbersMobile telephone numbers in Pakistan are of the following format 0XXX-YYYYYYY where XXX is the three letter code assigned to a specific mobile telephone operator and YYYYYYY is the local telephone number.
Reference: Wikipedia