SEO Training in Lahore

SEO Training in Lahore

Altaf Gohar-SEO Expert Consultant-Trainer

SEO Training in Lahore | Mr. M Altaf Gohar, SEO Training Expert, Trainer, Writer, Researcher and webmaster has been working since 1991 in IT Sector, in Lahore – Pakistan. He has been teaching IBM,Internet Business Marketing and SEO Trainings since this professions existence and revealed to the business community. This era leading trends gesture the vital role of SEO work in the promotion of business on the internet. Thousands of the websites birth exists in every moment of time. Not only had every website needed to be optimized with search engine but also needs targeted clients to his pages. Mr. M Altaf Gohar is there to serve you for same work, so he’s offering SEO workshops for the beginners as well as trained professionals.

SEO Trainings for Variant Professions

Individual SEO Training Packages [Online Trainings]
Trainings for Website Owners Trainings for Webmasters
Course Fee:$150Course Duration:3 WeeksTotal Hours:6Purpose:To broaden business online and How to go about it…moreRegister for SEO Training Course Fee:$200Course Duration:6 WeeksTotal Hours:10Purpose:How to Design and Build Search Engine Friendly Website…moreRegister for SEO Training
Trainings for Copy Writers Trainings for SEOs
Course Fee:$150Course Duration:8 WeeksTotal Hours:16Purpose:How to Write Search Engine Friendly Content…moreRegister for SEO Trainingseo-training-Altaf-gohar Course Fee:$250Course Duration:10 WeeksTotal Hours:20Purpose:How to Get Top Rankings in Google, Yahoo and Msn…moreRegister for SEOseo-training-trainer-Altaf-Gohar-classes-courses Training
Group SEO Training Packages [Online Trainings]
Trainings for Website Owners Trainings for Webmasters
No of Students:2-5Course Fee:$400Course Duration:2 WeeksTotal Hours:5Purpose:To broaden business online and How to go about it…moreRegister for SEO Training No of Students:2-5Course Fee:$600Course Duration:4 WeeksTotal Hours:8Purpose:How to Design and Build Search Engine Friendly Website…moreRegister for SEO Training
Trainings for Copy Writers Trainings for SEOs
No of Students:2-5Course Fee:$400Course Duration:6 WeeksTotal Hours:12Purpose:How to Write Search Engine Friendly Content…moreRegister for SEO Training No of Students:2-5Course Fee:$800Course Duration:8 WeeksTotal Hours:16Purpose:How to Get Top Rankings in Google, Yahoo and Msn…moreRegister for SEO Training
SEO Training Packages [Offline Trainings]
SEO Basic Course
SEO Advance Course
No of Students:2-5Course Fee:$200Course Duration:6 WeeksTotal Hours:12Purpose:How to Write Search Engine Friendly Content…For more detailsRegister for SEO Basic Course No of Students:2-5Course Fee:$700Course Duration:6 WeeksTotal Hours:12Purpose:How to Get Top Rankings in Google, Yahoo and Msn…For more detailsRegister for SEO Advance Course

SEO Consultancy Services

Setup Your Own Successful SEO Firm

Well Search Engine Optimization is all about Top Rankings

and Increased Sale through websites, if you or your firm is not getting satisfactory results through your SEO Campaigns, you might in need of SEO Consultant, Altaf Gohar has plenty of experience behind his name, he can be perfect choice for SEO Consulting. Discuss Your SEO Campaigns Now Cost of SEO Services

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process for increasing the ranking of a website in search engine listings. SEO service is essential for a firm to increase targeted traffic to their websites. The cost of SEO services vary depending on the services provider as well as the services offered. The cost of professional SEO service ranges from $1000 to $2000 and the SEO site assessment service starts at $15000.

SEO Training in Lahore|Altaf-Gohar |SEO Consultant-Expert

The cost of SEO services is a great concern for almost all firms (mainly for small business firms) dealing with SEO techniques. If an SEO is not targeting the right keywords then it can lead to generation of a large volume of low quality inquiries. This will result in low returns though large amounts are invested, which is not affordable for a small business. Therefore, SEO companies have now adopted a new strategy called the result driven approach (contingency fee pricing). With this approach, you pay only when you see results. A good SEO firm should guarantee your money back if they are unable to meet the target of delivering top page results within the given time period. The cost of SEO services also depends on the keyword popularity and keyword competitiveness. For a small business concern, looking for the keyword pricing is a better way of approach. Start with a single keyword by paying only a small amount. Gradually, upon success, add more keywords to the list to increase your traffic and income. There are certain SEO services that charge a one-time fee. In such cases, no additional fee is charged for further services. Most companies charge for their services on a quarterly basis. Sometimes, these SEO companies offer special volume discount rates.

Mr. M Altaf Gohar, an SEO Expert, Trainer, Writer, Researcher and webmaster has been working since 1991 in IT Sector, in Lahore – Pakistan. He has been teaching IBM,Internet Business Marketing and SEO Trainings since this professions existence and revealed to the business community. This era leading trends gesture the vital role of SEO work in the promotion of business on the internet. Thousands of the websites birth exists in every moment of time. Not only had every website needed to be optimized with search engine but also needs targeted clients to his pages. Mr. M Altaf Gohar is there to serve you for same work, so he’s offering SEO workshops for the beginners as well as trained professionals.

SEO training in Lahore


SEO Consultant-Expert- Altaf Gohar

If you reach this page by searching

SEO training in Lahore

this is mean that you are at right place to get

SEO training in Lahore

You’ll find best solution to your quires like,

SEO training in Lahore

and you’ll meet a

SEO Consultant

for  to find best way of

SEO Services

Remember ,  contents /keywords  and  always updated  are the best choice  for all search engines . If you are willing to find  a

SEO Consultant , Expert

to teach you so that you’ll be able and comes to be a

SEO Specialist , Guru

then try to work hard , this is not easy to become a

SEO Consultant , Specialist

if will not a good planner and stadfast.

SEO training in Lahore

is offered by Mr. Altaf Gohar is a best way of learning which produces best results for you but not in sudden while it takes a normal time as the search engine response to any usual way of work. I know that you are a seeker of

SEO training in Lahore

may be you’ll find lots of websites and training centers, teachers who claim that they are offering you their best services  on a cheap cost but remember  to ask them only one Question? ” Where is the work which you did in SEO Services?” "How much keyword/ key phrases are dominant by you on the internet?” "Where are the links which are produced by your efforts?” "How much websites/links are generated by you in TOP10 results of Google or other search engine?” If you couldn’t find any satisfactory answer just say them "bye”  and try this

SEO Services Results

No one can claim  a best tutor of he/she can’t show you any of his/her  work. There are some people , for whom you can use

SEO Expert, Specialist


SEO Consultant

who offer not only

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but also

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Online SEO training

but you would  have to pay an appropriate amount to get your desired results . A best place  for

SEO training in Lahore

is just and just only

National Institute of Computer Education (NICE)

established in 1991

Old is Gold


SEO training in Lahore

even its

Online SEO training National Institute of Computer Education – NICE 8-LG , Fatima Center , Opp FJMC – Queen’s Road – Lahore 54650 Pakistan Best Place  for SEO Training as well as SEO Services in Lahore.

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